Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I am new to the blogger world and am still trying to figure out how to make my page cute and put cool things on it! I decided to start blogging when my friend said " Hey you should get a blog!" I haven't had the time to sit and actually make one til now! It's actually pretty fun! I love the fact that I can stay up to date on the new things going on in my friends lives. Sometimes I feel like life is flying by and I'm struggling to keep up with it! I am currently going to school and have just applied for the Nursing Program! Ah! It's a big thing to finally be able to see a light at the end of the tunnel! I graduated high school three years ago and jumped right into prerequisites for nursing and am finally finished with them. I work at Primary Children's Medical Center and I love it! I mean who can say that they get paid to hold little cuddly babies and get kids Popsicles! It's the best job ever! So between my job and school that takes up a lot of my time! AND I now am engaged to Daniel Cuvelier! I like to say that! He takes up pretty much all of my time! He is my best friend and love of my life! I always asked my friends and family how would I know who I'm suppose to spend the rest of my life with. I always thought it would take forever! They said Erica you'll just know! I didn't believe it. How can you just know! Well it happened to me when I was least expecting it! And after a few days, can you believe it, just a few days I knew! It is the coolest feeling! And now I know what they were all talking about. I can't imagine my life without him! I love him with all my heart!


Shelli said...

You guys are so stinkin' cute! I can't wait until you become Mrs. Dan Cuvelier also! I'm glad you joined the world of blogging!

Mr. and Mrs. Duff said...

Oh you guys are so cute. I love you both!

Shelli said...

You forgot to mention the following in your job decription!: "pinning down children who are screaming while in the recovery room, cleaning vomit off my scrubs, strapping elastic around kids' arms 14 times so there is no possible way for them to remove their IV, helping adminster drugs to rabid children and henceforth saving my eardrums". Hehe, just thought I would help you out a bit! You gotta love it though! :)

The Jensen's said...

Hey girl, I love you so much!! By the way you put August 7, 2008 for your wedding date? Did I miss it? lol Love you girl.

DanontheDrive said...

Hi guys - you don't know me but I googled my name -Dan Cuvelier - for fun and saw your website.
Since Cuvelier is kind of a rare surname just wondering where you are from.
All the best
Dan Cuvelier