Wednesday, September 24, 2008


It seems to be the topic of conversation lately! I've watched my mother come home and cry because that's all her body can do! She can't fight, she can't talk, she just crys. Dan comes home and can't even sleep because he's been so stressed and his stomach feels like acid! My step-dad comes home and plays xbox til the wee hours of the morning because he can't sleep either. My friend Jenna has mental and physical breakdowns and is so exhausted that she doesn't get time to spend with her husband! My dad gets stressed and run down that when it's gone to far his body won't let him move for a few days at a time! I feel for all of them because stress is not something that can easily be dealt with. We talked about the tols of stress on the human body in my Pathophysiology class. Let me tell you people stress can majorly affects a persons health over a long period of time. It's been proven. A few people have made the comment to me that I have it so easy because I never get stressed! Well I do! They think that my job isn't stressful or that only working part time and taking a few classes isn't that difficult. Here's the thing... I did the full time job, 40-45 hours a week, a second job, 24-30 hours a week, and 9 credit hours of school! I think I was lucky to learn so young that life isn't all about money! You need to take time to smell the roses ( or LILIES in my case!)
I think people have very different ways of handling stress. I don't get stressed over things I have no control over. I do what I can and when things are done I can't do anymore! I believe that things happen for a reason! Any time I get so stressed I take a step back and ask myself is it really worth all the trouble to dwell on the past and what I could have done! Next time I'll know better. I do get stressed but there comes a point and time when I just have to let things go! If there is something in my life that is causing me stress I try to fix it and eliminate it! I want to enjoy my life, family and friends!
Working in the hospital and in the health care profession my outlook on life is much different! I take care of children at work and everyday it reminds me that there is more to life than school and work! It's love, family, friends, and most of all happiness. Kids are grateful for the simplest things... a Popsicle, a favorite blanket, and a loving person to hold them and talk to them! When I think about life through a child's eye my stress seems so small!
I encourage everyone of you to take a step back when you get stressed and ask yourself "Is it worth it!"! If it is then fight like hell but if you can see the big picture and it's not worth the sacrifices then just know that you've done all you can and you're leaving it into the "bigger hands" to take care of it! Like I said my life motto is "Things happen for a reason!" I love you all and hope that life seems a little easier!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Washington D.C.

I went to Washington D.C. on the 29th-31st. It was a short trip but I went to see my two new cousins! Yes Twins. My aunt had twin boys on the 26th of July! They are so cute! They are about 5 weeks old and they are both doing very well. Little Avery was born first and when he came out his little heart wasn't beating. They rushed him away and after a blessing from his dad his heart started beating! He spent 4 days in NICU (Newborn Intensive Care Unit)! After about a week and a half he was home! He's a miracle baby! Little Issac was second! He had some jaundice, but he went home with mom after a few days in the hospital. They are both doing very well! The little stinkers cry, poop, eat, and sleep! Go figure! Ha Lol! I caught the late flight on Friday....the really late flight 11:59p.m.! I got to D.C. around 9:00 a.m.! It was a long night. But well worth it. Luckily I got there at the boys nap time! I took a little nap with little A! Then the rest of the day was the routine! Feed, change diaper, sleep and the next hour was the same! I took night shift that night with little A! WOW what a way to test out having a baby! I got a total of two hours of good sleep! I can tell you that's a great form of birth control! I love those boys to death and I just want to thank my Mom and Dad for doing all that stuff for me! I love you!

This is little Issac!

This is little Avery!

Me and Avery!
Here's me, my Aunt Julie, and my Mom